God wants everyone to be saved from sin. You can be saved right now!!
Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Do You Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead?
Then Repeat these words and mean them from your heart: "Lord Jesus I'm a Sinner. Forgive Me of All the Wrong I've Done and the Wrong I've been, Forgive Me of All of My Sins, Cleanse Me of All Unrighteousness, Come Into My Life, Be Lord and Saviour of My Life, and I Will Serve You for the Rest of My Life! I Am Saved!"
If you repeated those words my friend, You are now saved, and a Member of the Kingdom of God! We would Love for you to become a member of Evangelistic. Please, become a member of a Holy Bible believing church in your present city, town or surrounding area that teaches the whole bible and believes in the Trinity. God the Father, Jesus the Son , and the Holy Spirit so you can begin your Christian Growth!!
Please contact Us by Email, Website, or Phone to let Us know God has saved your Life...…..
Blessings of the Lord Upon Your Life!!